Josh Ferris

I am going to take the time to talk about Joshua L. Ferris. Well, you already know my name; here is some background. I was raised in rural northwest Ohio until I was 19 years old. I (though most would never guess it) was actually raised on a farm with animals, crops, and the dreaded job of baling hay every summer. I left home in the fall of 2000 and moved to Pittsburgh, PA, USA, to attend the University of Pittsburgh.

While at Pitt, I was involved in many student organizations that focused on social justice and struggle. This is where I got into the biggest battle of my life: the fight for healthcare benefits for the domestic partners of Pitt employees. It was a long, hard fight, but we won in September 2004. I actually did study while I was at school. I double-majored in Religious Studies and History. I paid particular attention to the history of the ancient world, with a focus on the cults of classical Greece.

In 2007, I moved to Quito, Ecuador, where I became an elementary school teacher. I spent much time living life differently than I had in the past, and it taught me a lot. I really enjoyed my travels in South America, but they came to an end in May 2009.

I finished my Master of Science in Public Policy and Management from Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University in 2010. My research interests included poverty analysis and the role of organized labor in poverty elimination. My activism interests continue to include LGBT issues, economic justice, and international solidarity.

2 thoughts on “About The Author

  1. hey josh, i sent an email request to you. my wife and i along with our two children are tentatively planning to move to the quito area within the year. i am a 36 year old attorney looking to land a teaching job at one of the colegios. im hoping you could be kind enough to answer some questions i have. my email is



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