Some of you may find this article interesting. It is a profile of the President of the international union that I work with. Technically, I work for SEIU […]
Take A Break
If you have an extra $.99 download this song, it is really fun summation of 2004. Plus Shivaree is totally awesome! PS You need to be using Itunes.
Allow me to Vomit
The young fascists of our time, aka College Republicans, are getting ready to host their Straight Pride Week. Is there anything more pathetic? Can these freaks really be […]
A good Friday Smile
This is one more reason why we are the smartest beings on the planet.
A Leader and his Whores
So now they have caught a third reporter. It is all coming out now, the liberal media does not exist because the right wing lunatics own the media. […]
Very Exciting
Though this has yet to be proven it could be a very kewl find. It gives one hope that there are still plenty of treasurers for new adventurers […]
Absolutely Disgusting
They are coming! The reparative therapy christians are still on the move, and do not seem to be slowing. The group in charge of this sick and totally […]
Run Run Rummy, running straight to Iran
The u-hauls, it seems, are packing up all the power left in the White House and crossing town to the Pentagon. Donald “Rummy” Rumsfeld is doing everything in […]
The Office Holiday Party
The enemy (the palestinians) of my enemy (the mayor) ,,,
As most of you know I have serious reservation about the state of Israel, its despicable treatment of Palestinians, and its incredible relationship with the US Government. All […]