It has been quite some time since I last wrote something respectable for this blog, and I feel like it is about time that I start back up. […]
Out and About
I am out of town right now in capitol of the Midwest, Chicago. My union is fighting really hard for 50,000 childcare workers, and unfortunately another union decided […]
Singing in the Rain
Laura Bush is now sitting as the chair of a group that is advocating all Americans to learn the Star Spangled Banner. Admittedly, no one knows the song, […]
Posh Book Clubs
In recent days I have found local politics so disgusting that when there is an article about them in the newspaper, my brain translated it into garbage and […]
Help from an (un)likely Source
I have been organizing on queer issues for a short time now, only a few years compared to a lot of people. However, in doing so, I am […]