Well Tommy Boy Ridge has joined the exodus of Bushies getting the hell out of Washington. In looking back at the first director of Homeland Security, I think […]
I weep for our children
Can I just say that I think America’s laziness and need to shoot things has gotten so bad that I want to scream. It has gotten to a […]
Just In Case
I am not sure if I am going yet, but just so you have it. http://www.counter-inaugural.org/
Coffee and absurdity, what a treat to wake up to.
I tend to read a lot of news during the day, and lately it has been tough to really focus on a story to write about. It just […]
Let's put it to rest
I do promise that this will be my last entry on the topic of Oliver Stone’s Alexander. The best way I am able to explain the movie is […]
Let’s put it to rest
I do promise that this will be my last entry on the topic of Oliver Stone’s Alexander. The best way I am able to explain the movie is […]
A not so intelligent move
Is anyone else looking at what is happening with Intelligence Bill that is to implement the changes of the September 11 Commission. Rarely do I follow legislation and […]
Am i really wasting space on this
Right now people are pretending that there is a controversy surrounding the Oliver Stone movie Alexander. The controversy of course is Alexander’s sexuality. Some embarrassed Greek men have […]
I can't make this shit up
Today it is reported that the Sierra Club is filing a law suit saying stating that diagonal drilling is not kewl. Well there is far more to it […]
I can’t make this shit up
Today it is reported that the Sierra Club is filing a law suit saying stating that diagonal drilling is not kewl. Well there is far more to it […]