It is pretty late for me to be working right now, but I can’t sleep due to the affects of anger, alcohol, and sweet Cuban tobacco. First let […]
The Fall of Conservatism [Link]
I found this article very interesting:
How my language has changed
For some reason I have always hated the phrase “nine-eleven,” I am not really sure why I hate it so much. It probably has something to do with […]
Broken Laptop
My laptop is not feeling well, and by that I mean it is completely fucked up. My hard drive seems to be having some serious problems. It will […]
The Church in Guapulo
I live in in a neighborhood called Guapulo in Quito. It is an overpriced hip neighborhood for the foreigners and Ecuadorian artist types. I really love the neighborhood […]
The weird world that is Israel in Ecuador
Today is the 60th anniversary of the modern state of Israel. In the US this date would have passed unnoticed for me, but these days I work in […]
No transfers for you
Today I learned something new. My coworker is Ecuadorian, but has many friends in Germany. He was planning a summer vacation to Germany, but most of the reasonable […]
Things I Miss
People ask me a lot, what I miss about the United States. I of course miss my family and friends, but the subtracting that I do not miss […]
Zizek on Tibet
No Shangri-La From Slavoj Žižek The media imposes certain stories on us, and the one about Tibet goes like this. The People’s Republic of China, which, back in […]
This is Just to Say a Spoof
I can’t find the words that I am looking for today. If you know where they probably are or which ones I need, Please send them to me. […]